Three new PhDs to be reintroduced to society

It’s been a big month for the Li group with three students defending and gaining their doctorate degrees. Phu Nguyen kicked off the defenses on May 19 by discussing his work on molecular dynamics and modeling X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. He has accepted a job at Amazon and has already started working there. Bo Peng defended next on May 24 and discussed all of his work modeling excited states with wave function and DFT methods in both the time and frequency domain. Bo will be moving (not too far away) to accept a position as a researcher at Pacific Northwest National Lab. Last but not least was Erica Chong’s defense on June 10 where she spoke about her work studying quantum dot nanocrystals and their use for Li ion storage. Erica will be sticking around Seattle for at least the summer as a lecturer for General Chemistry. Congratulations to everyone!